

Study of Drop-out

Greece Study by RICHES

Hungary Study by KATA HAMAR

Presentation of Traditional Arts and Crafts

Greece  Presentation by RICHES   Video by RICHES

Hungary Presentation by TURÓCZINÉ VARGA ILDIKO

Italy Presentation by V.E.M.

Guides for schools

“Rediscovering the Lost Crafts: didactic and inclusive practice to fight school failure, early school leaving and dropping out”

PART A E.L.E.T. Early Leaving from Education and Training

In English

In Greek

PART B Educational Activities

In English

In Greek

In Italian

In Hungarian


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eTwinning Project (for pupils)


eTwinning Group (for teachers)


(eTwinning platform requires registration)


By VEM srls

Although Calabria is a region overlooking two seas, which belong to a single large sea, the Mediterranean, it is also partly a mountainous land. A particular landscape variety, diversity and multiculturalism: these are the terms to which we must refer when talking about Calabria and the Mediterranean. Because after all, the Mediterranean is the duality of its own name, it finds its most true and intimate elements in plurality. It is characteristic of the entire Mediterranean area to group together, and bring together, in combination and contrast, many aspects of reality.

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Hungary is a small country in Central Europe. It is located in the Carpathian Basin with a population of less than 10 million, but another 2,5 million Hungarians reside within the seven countries surrounding its borders, and another 2 million Hungarians live in other parts of the world. These people speak Hungarian – known as Magyar.

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Early school leaving is a complex, dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon, resulting from a combination of personal, social, economic, educational and family-related factors, very often linked to socio-economic disadvantage. It is rarely a sudden decision, and usually the visible result of a long process of underachievement and progressive disengagement from education.

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Artist Stelios Grekos at work. Source Greece High Definition

Pebble mosaic, type of mosaic work that uses natural pebbles arranged to form decorative or pictorial patterns. It was used only for pavements and was the earliest type of mosaic in all areas of the eastern Mediterranean, appearing in Asia Minor in excavated floors from the 8th and 7th centuries bc.

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