TACKED Meetings

Transnational meetings at project partners level.

1.- Kick-off meeting, at the beginning of the project . The most important meeting in the project: it is on this occasion that almost everything which underpins the future success of the project, is settled. A coordination meeting in order to focus on and clarify important aspects:

Team building; Agreement on work plans; Allocation of tasks; Agreement on targets and deadlines; Development of evaluation strategy; Agreement on financial arrangements; Confirmation of contractual arrangements between the coordinator and partners. The meeting will be held in Italy with staff participants of the consortium’s partners.

2.- International Workshop: “Rediscovering the Lost Crafts”, at the middle of the first year. These international workshop aims to provide teachers, students, families, policy makers, with a practical framework and authentic/meaningful on Traditional Craft as powerful tool to fight early school leaving and dropout. Specifically it makes suggestions as to how schools can: Raise achievement of all learners; Promote learner voice; Incorporate best practice into their processes of improvement and self evaluation so as to make these practices sustainable in the longer term. This meeting, to be held in Hungary will include staff, teachers, stakeholders.

3.- Intermediate meeting, at the end of the first year. A coordination meeting after the first year of life of the project in order to focus on: Monitoring project development; Review of progress on targets; Monitoring of budget and financial procedures; Review & revision of work plans; Implementation of evaluation strategy; Consolidation of team building. This meeting, to be held in Greece will include consortium’s staff.

4.- International Workshop: “EUROPE 2020 STRATEGY: school failure, early school leaving and dropping out”, at the beginning of the second year. These international workshop aims to find effective early school leaving and dropout prevention strategies used in EU school classroom and to find the common thread among them. This meeting, to be held in Italy will include staff, teachers, stakeholders.

5.- Final meeting, at the end of the project. The meeting will focus on: Final review & revision of work plans; Final evaluation; Acknowledgement of commitment & contributions to project; Celebration of achievement; Discussion of follow-up/exit strategy; Collation of contributions to final report. This meeting will be held in Greece and it will include consortium’s staff.

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