Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action: Strategic Partnerships
Strategic Partnerships for school education
Main objective of the project: Exchange of Good Practices
Call 2018 R1 21-3-2018
“T.A.C.K.E.D.: Traditional Arts and Crafts to Keep away Early Drop-out”
Supporting schools to tackle early school leaving (ESL) and disadvantage
Social inclusion
Applicant /Coordinator
- Diefthinsi Defterovathmias Dodecanesou (Directorate of Secondary Dodecanese)
Public body, educational authority
Directorate of Secondary Education of Dodecanese is public educational authority, supervising 100 schools, 15.000 students (general and vocational) and 2.500 teachers in the region.
- Gymnasio Gennadiou (Secondary School of Gennadi)
Public general education secondary school (12-18)
A public school at a rural area south of Rhodes island. It offers lower and upper general secondary education. The school has 25 teachers and 270 students, aged 12-18.
- RICHeS Rhodes International Culture & Heritage Society
Non-governmental organisation/association
The Rhodes International Culture & Heritage Society (short: RICHeS) is a non-governmental organisation and a registered charity (non-profit) under Greek law.
As the abbreviation of its name already indicates, we focus on the cultural ‘riches’ of Rhodes and we do so with an international and multicultural point of view.
Public body, municipality
Reggio Calabria Municipality is an institutional body looking at local and European policies that provides assistance to all sectors for the implementation of local and community development projects.
- Liceo Artistico “M.Preti/A. Frangipane” Reggio Calabria
Public general education secondary school (12-18)
Our students come from several quarters throughout a rural area. The curriculum is structured in line with EU guidelines, with entrepreneurship education and development of a vision of change oriented, initiative, creativity, professional and geographical mobility, and the recruitment of socially responsible behavior.
- V.E.M. srls
Small and medium sized enterprise
V.E.M SRLs is a SME formed by a team of young people who have decades of experience in the field of education, vocational training and new technologies; V.E.M. is recognised as an effective, efficient and gender proactive institution for the promotion and development of the labour market sector in Calabria.
- Jászberény Városi Önkormányzat
Public body, municipality
Jászberény is a flourishing industrial town located in central Hungary called Jászság. The town has a population of 27,000 and it lies 70 km east of Budapest, the capital of Hungary, on the Zagyva river. Jászberény is an educational and cultural centre of the region.
- Budapesti Gépészeti Szakképzési Centrum Szily Kálmán Müszaki Szakgimnáziuma, Szakközépiskolája és Kollégiuma
Public secondary vocational school Vocational Training (secondary level)
It is one of the biggest vocational schools of Budapest with 1050 students, only ten percent of whom are girls, and about 110 teachers. The objectives of the school are to teach students a trade and prepare for final examination.
In our school we have three ways to learn trades.
1. After primary school (8 classes) they can choose from several technical professions. In this way students will learn for 3 years, after the final examination they will get a “skilled worker record card”.
2. After primary school they can learn for additional four years. After this course they can finish with a matura exam. During the four years they can learn different professions.
3. If the applicants already have a general certificate of secondary education, they also have opportunity to learn trade knowledge. We have a 2 year technician training. After the final exam, they get a technician qualification.
- Testvérvárosok Baráti Egyesülete
Non-governmental organisation/association
The Association „ Testvérvárosok Baráti Egyesülete” is situated in Jászberény, a region of central Hungary called Jászság. The town is located about 70 km from Budapest, the capital of Hungary, on the Zagyva river. The Association of Town Twinning (TEBA), which is a nonprofit organisation, was established in 2006 with the purpose to melt the twin cities of Jászberény into one organisation. Jászberény is home to the most famous and successful folk dance group of Hungary, “Jászság Népi Együttes”. Due to this fact, Jászberény is the centre of Hungarian Folkdance Methodology which is UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site. Thousands of visitors are coming here every summer to participate in “Csángó Fesztival” which is the biggest folklore festival in Central Europe.
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