Jászberény is a flourishing industrial town located in central Hungary called Jászság. The town has a population of 27,000 and it lies 70 km east of Budapest, the capital of Hungary, on the Zagyva river. Jászberény is an educational and cultural centre of the region.
The public-private partnership has a long-term cooperation in the town and that is why the development here was much faster than its surroundings in the last years.
The municipality has implemented several successful domestic and EU tenders (including both social inclusion and infrastructure networks). It also takes part in organizing numerous international events, for instance the so called Csángó Fesztivál, international folklore festival. The local government is committed to keep local traditions supporting local civil society initiatives.
The town has active connection with its twin cities (such as Conselve – IT, Lunca de Sus and Sângeorgiu de Mureș – Ro, Sucha Beskidzka – PL, Tiachiv – UA, Topoľčany- SLO, Vechta- GER, Yazd – Ir, Sedalia – USA). Jászberény invites these twin city delegates to all major events in the city.
The Education Sector of the Municipality is responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating all kinds of educational activities in schools of the city. Our municipality holds seminars and courses under the name of public education to people living in disadvantaged area in order to help them to develop themselves and to be better skilled.
The mission of our municipality is:
– to raise students as constructive, creative and productive persons who are physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and emotionally balanced, have a sound personality and character, with the ability to think freely and scientifically and have a broad worldview, that are respectful for human rights, value personality and enterprise, and feel responsibility towards society;
-To prepare them for life by developing their interests, talents and capabilities and providing them with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes and the habit of working with others and to ensure that they acquire a profession which shall make them happy and contribute to the happiness of society.
For our Municipality is a milestone to improve school success and motivation and to fight against school failure and absenteeism informing parents and community on the importance of education.
The municipality of Jászberény has an experienced team to carry out projects (both domestic and EU programmes) from the application processes to the monitoring. It is reflected by the numerous successful projects in the town. During the past years, the city centre has been renewed, bicycle roads have been built, institutions have been modernised and social services have been improved. The municipality also applied successfully for Europe for Citizens programmes and participated as partner in Leonardo da Vinci programme. Recently the municipality has applied for two international projects, namely for the Danube Transnational programme and the Interreg Central Europe programme.
The municipality has close relationships with the educational, cultural institutions and the civil societies in the region.
The town hall of Jászberény, as the executive body of the municipality, includes more than 110 members. Among the staff of the offices, several lawyers, economists or other financially trained person, as well as experienced project managers are found. In this way, the municipality has the capability and capacity to complete a whole project from the application to the monitoring. Thereby, the municipality has implemented several successful domestic and EU tenders. Applications included both social inclusion and infrastructure networks. The town hall also takes part in organizing numerous international events, for instance the so called Csángó Fesztivál. For these events, the team members organize travel, accommodation, meals, guides, etc. for foreign delegation. Beside these, the municipality has many own institutions that can host events.
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