Reggio Calabria – Jasmine

The Costa dei Gelsomini is a coastal area in the province of Reggio Calabria, washed by the Ionian Sea. The Riviera takes its name from the typical cultivation of the jasmine plant, beautiful and delicate, but also robust and climbing. The species cultivated along the coast is the “Jasminum grandiflorum”, of Indian origin, one of the most beautiful species. It has large, sweet-smelling flowers that open from June to October. Jasmines were collected by women (called jasmines), sold by weight and exported to France to prepare perfumes.

Jasmine work began in the early hours of dawn and ended around eleven in the morning. It was once a good source of income for local families, although the effort was enormous. Three hundred kilos of jasmine flowers were needed for a kilo of essence.

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