Hungarian leatherworkers fashion leather into footwear, harnesses, and saddles. Horse wranglers use a lassso-like rope to seperate a horse from the herd. The most famous tool of the trade is the ’karikásostor’, a whip woven of leather strings.

Jewelry has long been an essential element in the traditional dress of Hungarian girls and women.


The techniques and embroidery styles vary according to theri base material and yarn type. In the 18th century, free-hand floral designs of various stitch types began replacing the older geometric motifs. This led to the development of several distinctive regional and local styles of embroidery; th ebest-known of these come from Kalocsa, Kalotaszeg and Mezőkövesd.

V.E.M SRLs is a SME formed by a team of young people who have decades of experience in the field of education, vocational training and new technologies; V.E.M. is recognised as an effective, efficient and gender proactive institution for the promotion and development of the labour market sector in Calabria.

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The Association „ Testvérvárosok Baráti Egyesülete” is situated in Jászberény, a region of central Hungary called Jászság. The town is located about 70 km from Budapest, the capital of Hungary, on the Zagyva river.

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Artist Stelios Grekos at work. Source Greece High Definition

Pebble mosaic, type of mosaic work that uses natural pebbles arranged to form decorative or pictorial patterns. It was used only for pavements and was the earliest type of mosaic in all areas of the eastern Mediterranean, appearing in Asia Minor in excavated floors from the 8th and 7th centuries bc.

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