How can learning environments foster truly inclusive and authentic learning? In June 2016, experts and teachers from around Europe discussed best practices on building architectural, technological and social spaces, seeing how they are interconnected with each other and pedagogy.

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The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) was designed to facilitate the compilation and comparison of education statistics both within and across national boundaries. It combines two cross-classification variables (levels and fields of education) with the type of education (general/vocational/pre-vocational) or students’ intended destination (tertiary education or direct entry into the labour market).

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‘Early leaving from education and training’ (ELET) refers to students leaving education and training before completing the upper secondary level or obtaining the corresponding school leaving certificate. This broad definition encompasses the young people who, according to their own country’s definition, are considered to be early leavers.

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The organization of the school year for upper secondary school is fixed at central level. School year begins on September 1st and ends on August 31st of the following year. The teaching year begins on September 1st and ends on June 30th while the teaching of subjects begins on September 11th and ends in the middle of May.

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